History of the Society

1989 Japanese Association for Mathematical Biology (JAMB) established
1989/09-1992/09 Office: Kyoto University (Chief secretary: Nanako Shigesada)
1990 1st Conference on Mathematical Biology (Kyoto University)
1991 2nd Conference on Mathematical Biology (Kyoto Unviersity)
1992 3rd Conference on Mathematical Biology (Kyoto University)
1992/09-1994/09 Office: Hiroshima University (Chief secretary: Masayasu Mimura)
1993 4th Conference on Mathematical Biology (Kyoto University)
1994 5th Conference on Mathematical Biology (Institute of Statistica Mathematics)
1994/09-1996/09 Office: Kyushu University (Chief secretary: Yoh Iwasa)
1995 6th Conference on Mathematical Biology (University of Tokyo)
1996 Kyoto Conference on Mathematical Biology (Doshisha University)
1996/09-1998/09 Office: Osaka Wemen's University (Chief secretary: Toshiyuki Namba)
1997 7th Conference on Mathematical Biology (Osaka University)
1998 8th Conference on Mathematical Biology (Kyoto University)
1998/09-2000/09 Office: Shizuoka University (Chief secretary: Yasuhiro Takeuchi)
1999 9th Conference on Mathematical Biology (University of Tokyo)
2000 10th Conference on Mathematical Biology (Shizuoka University)
2000/09-2002/09 Office: Hokkaido University (Chief secretary: Yasuji Kannno
2001 JAMB-SMB Joint Conference on Mathematical Biology (Hiro, Hawaii, USA)
2002 12th Conference on Mathematical Biology (Hokkaido University)
2002/09-2003/09 Office: Nara Women's University (Chief secretary: Nanako Shigesada)
2003/09 Japanese Society for Mathematical Biology (JSMB) established
2003/09-2004/12 President Hirotsugu Matsuda, Office Nara Women's University (Chief secretary: Nanako Shigesada)
2003 13th Conference on Mathematical Biology (Nara Women's University)
2004 14th Conference on Mathematical Biology (Hiroshima University)
2005/01-2006/12 President: Yoh Iwasa, Office Okayama University (Chief secretary: Tsuyoshi Kajiwara)
2005 15th Conference on Mathematical Biology (Yokohama National University)
2006 16th Conference on Mathematical Biology (Kyushu University)
2007/01-2008/12 President: Nanako Shigesada, Office: University of Tokyo (Chief secretary: Hisashi Inaba)
2007 17th Conference on Mathematical Biology [Joint Annual Meetings of SMB & JSMB] (Fairmont Hotel, San Jose)
2008 18th Conference on Mathematical Biology (Doshisha University)
2009/01-2010/12 President: Yasuhiro Takeuchi, Office: Shizuoka University (Chief secretary: Kazunori Sato)
2009 19th Conference on Mathematical Biology (The University of Tokyo)
2010 20th Conference on Mathematical Biology (Hokkaido University)
2011/01-2012/12 President: Norio Yamamura, Office: Kyoto University (Chief secretary: Atsushi Yamauchi)
2011 21th Conference on Mathematical Biology (Meiji University)
2012 22th Conference on Mathematical Biology (Okayama University)
2013/01-2014/12 President: Masayasu Mimura, Office: Meiji University (Chief secretary: Yuichiro Wakano)
2013 23th Conference on Mathematical Biology (Shizuoka University)
2014 24th Conference on Mathematical Biology [Joint Annual Meetings of SMB & JSMB](Osaka International Convention Center)
2015/01-2016/12 President: Toshiyuki Namba, Office: Okayama University (Chief secretary: Toru Sasaki)
2015 25th Conference on Mathematical Biology [Joint Meeting of JSMB and China-Japan- Korea Colloquium on Mathematical Biology] (Doshisha University)
2016 26th Conference on Mathematical Biology (Kyushu University)
2017/01-2018/12 President: Akira Sasaki, Office: The University of Tokyo (Chief secretary: Shinji Nakaoka)
2017 27th Conference on Mathematical Biology (Kyushu University)
2018 28th Conference on Mathematical Biology [Joint Annual Meetings of SMB & JSMB](The University of Sydney)
2019/01-2020/12 President: Hisashi Inaba, Office: Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology (Chief secretary: Shigehide Iwata)
2019 29th Conference on Mathematical Biology (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
2020 30th Conference on Mathematical Biology (Nagoya University, online)
2021/01-2022/12 President: Hiromi Seno, Office: Aoyama Gakuin University (Chief secretary: Yukihiko Nakata)
2021 31st Conference on Mathematical Biology (Miyazaki University, online)
2012 32nd Conference on Mathematical Biology (Meiji University, online)
2023/01- President: Kei Tokita, Office: RIKEN iTHEMS (Chief secretary: Gen Kurosawa)

Presidents of the Japanese Society for Mathematical Biology


Kei Tokita 2023-


Hiromi Seno 2021-2022

Hisashi Inaba 2019-2020


Akira Sasaki 2017-2018


Toshiyuki Namba 2015-2016


Masayasu Mimura 2013-2014


Norio Yamamura 2011-2012


Yasuhiro Takeuchi 2009-2010

Nanako Shigesada 2007-2008

Yoh Iwasa 2005-2006

Hirotsugu Matsuda 2003-2004

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